Feature is an excellent way to learn more about someone or something. Often there is an incredibly interesting story when it seems like there is no story at all. It is very rewarding to hear people's stories and then share them.
Mr. Eliason
November 2020
Mr. Eliason spent most of his life at Huron High School, but his profound impacts did not stop at his students (myself included). I feel so privileged to have been able to tell his story, ending with his retirement from teaching to become a pastor. In doing so, I was able to have real and deep conversations with him and his math teacher/colleague.
Human Trafficking
April 2019
This piece was written in collaboration with several of my peers. We share a story of someone in our community that was trafficked and the unfortunate reality that human trafficking exists in Ann Arbor. My goal with stories like these is to raise awareness of a global issue on a local scale so something can be done about it.